Romantic Portrait Art in Leeds

Romantic Portrait Art in Leeds

Rob Hefferan, portrait

Romantic Portrait Art in LeedsRomantic portrait art in Leeds is a unique and awe inspiring way to give a little difference to what you put up on display in your home.As much as digital photography these days is the most popular way to memorialise all those moments that are special to us, a good painting can still garner wide spread appreciation. Having a painting displayed still adds a certain level of sophistication to a room, while having the right painting display can make the overall aesthetic of the room truly transcendent. Sometimes the use of paint on canvas can communicate a very different feel from colour on paper, even if the pictures presented are of the same subject.

For home owners in Leeds, romantic portrait art could be that extra punch of ‘wow’ you were looking for to make the space you had in mind more interesting. If that is so, then look no further than Rob Hefferan. Rob Hefferan is a figurative artist who is intent on bringing the world to life by exposing you to a different perspective using acrylic and oil paints, and canvas. He is intent on using his preference for using methods brought out in the pre-Raphaelite era of painting to create paintings that will engage your senses and become as though he is inviting you into his mind to enjoy the subject as he does.

Take a chance and commission some romantic portrait art in Leeds. Contact Rob Hefferan directly to discuss your needs and requirements. It is only after you’ve had the chance to talk about what you had in mind that you can be offered a quote for the commissioned work. Treat yourself or a loved one to the experience of having to sit for an artist like Rob Hefferan who will make use of brush and paint, texture and light and movement to capture the essence of the soul as you have not seen it done before.