Portrait Artists in Manchester

Portrait Artists in Manchester

Portrait Artists in ManchesterPortrait artists in Manchester help you give the perfect gift to a loved one. A Rob Hefferan portrait can be a timeless classic that would be cherished by the family across generations. This artist’s work has garnered amazing reviews across the country and beyond. His range of subjects includes people, pets, and horses. As a highly trained, knowledgeable, insightful and brilliant artist, Hefferan creates stunning visuals that best mirror the personality and character of the subject. He works in a variety of styles that best suit the theme and subject, and in a range of materials including oils, chalk, pastels or acrylic. Those who view his works are struck by the warmth and intimacy he brings to his portraits, and the way in which the subject seem to speak to the viewer from within the confines of canvas and paint.

Rob Hefferan’s portraits capture the luminosity and texture of skin, hair, muscle, fur and light in the eyes, making every piece of art an expressive piece of communication. In Manchester, portrait artists are usually commissioned to create exclusive artworks as gifts, memorials, or to mark a special milestone. Many corporate organisations also commission portraits of founders or other important persons. His work is sought after by collectors and art lovers around the world. It is also available in the form of prints executed on canvas, hand embellished and signed. These make wonderful collector’s items and gifts. A collection of his paintings are available in the form of coffee table books that give you a glimpse of his body of work.

Once the concept has been firmed up on, it’s important to get the financial terms and conditions down in a clear contract with portrait artists in Manchester. When you are looking for professional portrait artists, contact Rob Hefferan. The process of commissioning a painting is quite complex and requires much thought, time and effort. Many clients approach an artist based on what they have seen of his/her other works. Often, they don’t have a clear idea of what they want but Rob Hefferan considers it of vital importance to fully understand the client’s needs, preferences and budget too.